Teach With Us

At ed2go, we help educators and authors develop online courses for one of the largest and fastest-growing audiences in the history of education.

Knowing that instructors are the most important part of the education equation, the partners in our network depend on us to select only the best, brightest, and most motivated candidates for our program. We feel that great teaching, like great painting, is an art. Very few people possess the rare and almost magical mix of talents required to master the art of education. If you have the patience, the creativity, the compassion, and the desire to truly involve and inspire our students, we invite you to apply for a teaching position with ed2go.

The ed2go Network

If you meet our qualifications, we will help you develop the most highly effective online courses, which are then marketed to millions of students through us as well as our entire network of more than 2,100 top colleges, universities, and other organizations.

Delivering courses online since 1997, we have a deep reservoir of experience that you can rely on to turn your dreams of teaching online into reality. We’ll help you diversify and expand your teaching opportunities by exposing the course you write to the widest possible audience – all at absolutely no cost to you! And you will receive a percentage of all revenues derived from your course.

Why limit your efforts to one solitary education provider? We can give you access to an audience large enough to turn you into an education industry celebrity! If you're the kind of teacher that students clamor to work with, only ed2go can give you the wide national and international exposure you deserve.

Benefits of teaching with ed2go include:

  • Credibility
  • Satisfaction
  • Support
  • Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Marketing
  • Compensation